Third Workshop of the IEEE/OES Plastic in the Ocean Initative
The Workshop "Marine Litter: Solutions for a Cleaner Ocean will take place on September 28-29, 2022, in Brest, France. Registration for this workshop is open and contributions can be submitted.
GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Network (GSTSN)
A main activity of the GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Network is to provide a link between S&T communities and GEO and to promote GEOSS in S&T communities. The longterm vision is a GEOSS aligned to big challenges and major societal goals. To a large extent these goals are reached by organzing GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Workshops that focus on the societal benefits of Earth observations and facilitate a prioritization of Earth observation based on the information needs to achieve societal goals and targets.
Origin of the GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Network
The GSTSN originated in the EC-funded EGIDA Project. The EGIDA Stakeholder Network initially included the members listed here. A more complete picture of the GEOSS S&T Stakeholders is given here.
Mapping S&T Road Map Activities to Stakeholders
The activities of the GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Network derive from the S&T Road Map. A map of S&T Road Map activities and relevant stakeholder groups is available here.