GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Network

IEEE OES Plastic in the Ocean
2022 Brest Workshop
Marine Debris VCC
Sargassum Center
My Coasts
Geohazards CoP


The Blogs of the GEOSS Science and Technology Service Suite facilitates discussions related to earth observations and their use that are of relevance to S&T communities. Note that the full bloging capabilities are currently under development and will be available in the near future. All blogs will be edited in the sense that contributions will be screened to ensure that they are spam free.

Currently open blogs are:

  • Data Citation: The GEO Task ID-03 has published the GEOSS Data Citation Guideline V2.0, and these Guidelines are used to develop a testbed for data citation within the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI). The blog is used to evolve the Guidelines and to monitor the testbed performance. See/contribute to the blog ...
  • First Assessment Report on Global Earth Observations (FAR-GEO): In 2010, a proposal was submitted to the Science and Technology Committee for a first assessment of the state of global earth observations with the goal to prepare a comprehensive report identifying the observational needs and comparing them to the available and planned observation capabilities in order to identify the most relevant gaps in the observation system. The proposal received mixed response. See/contribute to the blog ...