Marine Debris Indicators: What’s Next?

An IEEE OES event
16-18 December 2019 – Brest, FRANCE

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Background Material
IEEE OES Initiative
Cascais 2020 Workshop
Oceans 2019 Town Hall
Brest 2018 Workshop

Brief Biography

Jay Pearlman

Dr. Jay Pearlman has been leading an Ocean Best Practices (OBP) Working Group creating the OBP System. The WG is an international team with members and support from GOOS, IODE, JCOMM, AWI, GEOMAR, SOCIB, IEEE US IOOS, IMOS, Geosciences Australia, SAEON and others. . It has created a sustainable capability based on the IODE OBP Repository with the addition of state of the art semantics and natural language processing for improved BP discoverability and access. System development has been funded by ODIP (H2020 project), AtlantOS (H2020 project) and the OceanObs Research Coordination Network (NSF project).It became operational in 2019 and has become an IOC project under the leadership of GOOS and IODE.
Dr. Pearlman has been active in space-based remote sensing and development of in situ ocean sensors. He is a guest editor for Frontiers in Marine Science and is on the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Administrative Committee. He is also interested in the impacts of Earth observation information on society.

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