Marine Debris Indicators: What’s Next?

An IEEE OES event
16-18 December 2019 – Brest, FRANCE

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Background Material
IEEE OES Initiative
Cascais 2020 Workshop
Oceans 2019 Town Hall
Brest 2018 Workshop

The Draft Road Map

Hans-Peter Plag

Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA

During the 2018 Workshop in Brest, input for a road map helping to address the problem of plastics in the ocean was collected in a participatory effort. Focus was on six months, two years, and five years goals. The resulting draft road map will indicates four main themes: community building, observation and monitoring, mitigation plastics and reducing its presence, linking data and knowledge to actions and informing governance. The outcomes of the present workshop should include a consensus on the long-term vision (five years), a more detailed and refined road map, and a work plan for the next six month before the next workshop.

Type of contribution: Presentation.

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