ConnectinGEO Workshop on Gap Analysis and Prioritization
October 10-11, 2016, Laxenburg, Austria

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The GAP Analysis process in the GEO-CRADLE project

Dr Haris Kontoes, Research Director of NOA, and Project Coordinator

The GEO CRADLE project has the overall objective to create a multi-regional coordination network in the Balkans, North Africa and the Middle East, the so-called RoI, so as to: (i) support the effective integration of EO capacities, (ii) provide the interface for engaging the complete ecosystem of EO stakeholders, (iii) promote the uptake of EO services and data in response to regional needs and (iv) contribute to implementing GEOSS and Copernicus in the RoI. To meet these objectives, a gap analysis in relation to EO, GEO, and Copernicus is to be performed at country and regional level, an action that makes an important procedural step in the framework of the GEO CRADLE activities. It provides the relevant details on the current shortcomings in the EO value added chain in relation to the countries’/regions’ current needs (i), helps to identify and characterize requirements and measures for EO uptake (ii), and provides insights into awareness in regards to GEO and Copernicus. It examines gaps with respect to reported stakeholders’ needs and EO capacities for addressing the national/regional priorities, rather than be compared to EO capacities existing in the Western Europe and other industrialized countries with much more advanced EO technological means. For this the GEO CRADLE gap analysis process analyzes and synthesizes three sources of information that is, a) Results of gap analyses from previous projects, b) Results from the GEO CRADLE inventorying phase, and c) Desk research to complement inventorying phase results. Finally the project adopts an indicator-based approach to conclude to a comparable gap analysis between the countries and the regions in the RoI.