3rd GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Workshop
March 23-25, 2015, Norfolk, VA, USA

Scope | Deadlines | Venue | Logistics | Committees | Participation | Output | Abstracts | Registration | Accommodation | Sessions | Schedule | Program

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Informing Sustainability: 2015 is a year of important decisions preparing humanity's Road to Dignity. Our leaders need comprehensive information about the state and trends of the planet, including our global society, to make progress on this road to sustainability and dignity. The workshop linked societal goals to essential variables needed to measure progress towards these goals and discuss research innovations in support of sustainable development.


For room information, see the Schedule.

Monday, March 23, 2015

0800 - 0900:Registration
0900 - 1030:Plenary Session 1: Assessing and Managing the Changes: The Metrics
Co-Chairs: Hans-Peter Plag, Stefano Nativi
0900 - 0910Douglas Cripe, Geo Secretariat: Welcoming Address
0910 - 0920Hans-Peter Plag, Stefano Nativi: Workshop Organization and Goals (presentation: keynote, powerpoint)
0920 - 0950Douglas Cripe: The GEO Strategic Plan for 2015-2025 (draft plan, presentation)
0950 - 1020Tim Lenton: Keynote Presentation: Measuring Global Changes and Detecting Tipping Points (abstract)
1020 - 1030Workshop Chairs: Mission for Breakout Sessions
1030 - 1100:Coffee Break
1100 - 1230:Breakout Sessions Block 1: Designing the Metrics
See the breakout session questions for this block ...
 Breakout Session 1.1: Sustainable Development Goals, Global Boundaries, and Safe Operating Space for Humanity
Chair: Hans-Peter Plag; Rapporteur: Senay Habtezion
1100 - 1120Hans-Peter Plag: Introduction to the session (presentation: keynote, powerpoint)
1120 - 1220All: Discussion
1220 - 1230Hans-Peter Plag, Senay Habtezion: Session Summary
 Breakout Session 1.2: GEO Societal Benefit Areas
Chair: Antonio Bombelli; Rapporteur: Mark Bourassa
1100 - 1115Antonio Bombelli: Introduction to the session (presentation)
1115 - 1220All: Discussion
1220 - 1230Antonio Bombelli, Mark Bourassa: Session Summary (presentation)
1230 - 1400:Lunch
1400 - 1530:Plenary Session 2: Assessment of the Metrics
Chair: Jay Pearlman
1400 - 1405Jay Pearlman: Introduction to Session (presentation)
1405 - 1415Senay Habtezion: Report of Breakout session 1.1 (presentation)
1415 - 1425Mark Bourassa: Report of Breakout session 1.2 (presentation)
1425 - 1500Ben Hamlington: Keynote: What we know and don't know about sea level (abstract, presentation)
1500 - 1530Toste Tanhua: Keynote: Indicators and Essential Variables (abstract, presentation)
1530 - 1535Workshop Chairs: Mission for breakout sessions
1535 - 1600:Coffee Break
1600 - 1730:Breakout Sessions Block 2: Quantifying the Metrics
See the breakout session questions for this block ...
 Breakout Session 2.1: Essential Variables for Sustainable Development Goals, Global Boundaries and Safe Operating Space for Humanity
Chair: Hans-Peter Plag; Rapporteur: Senay Habtezion
1600 - 1615Hans-Peter Plag: Introduction to the session
1615 - 1720All: Discussion
1615 - 1730Hans-Peter Plag: Session Summary (Notes)
 Breakout Session 2.2: Essential Variables for GEO Societal Benefit Areas
Chair: Antonio Bombelli; Rapporteur: Kathy Fontaine
1600 - 1615Antonio Bombelli: Introduction to the session (presentation, description of EVs, Carbon EVs)
1615 - 1630Douglas Cripe: Essential Variables in the Water SBA (presentation)
1630 - 1730All: Discussion

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

0800 - 0900:Registration
0900 - 1030:Plenary Session 3: Monitoring and Foreseeing the Changes: The Role of Earth Observations
Co-Chairs: Paola Campus, Andiswa Mlisa
0900 - 0910Senay Habtezion: Report of breakout session 2.1 (presentation)
0910 - 0920Kathy Fontaine: Report of breakout session 2.2 (presentation)
0920 - 0940Paola Campus: Introduction to Monitoring of Changes (presentation)
0940 - 1010Roberto Azzolini: Keynote: Monitoring the polar regions (presentation)
1010 - 1030All: Discussion (Main Outcomes)
1030 - 1100:Coffee Break
1100 - 1230:Plenary Session 4: Setting Priorities
Chair: Wolfgang Grabs
1100 - 1130David Arctur: Keynote: GEOSS Water Services: Federating Regional and National Water Data (abstract, presentation)
1130 - 1200Mark Bourassa: Keynote: Key essential variables: The example of the oceans (abstract, presentation)
1200 - 1230All: Discussing the priorities
1230 - 1400:Lunch
1400 - 1730:Joint Plenary Session A: Changing Science for a Changing Planet
Co-Chair: Hans-Peter Plag, James Syvitski
1400 - 1430Dork Sahagian: Keynote: Science and Society: Symbiotic or Askew? (abstract)
1430 - 1500Dennis Oijma: Keynote: Future Earth Research Challenges (abstract, presentation)
1500 - 1530Stefano Nativi: Keynote: The Next Revolution for the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (abstract, presentation)
1530 - 1600:Coffee Break
1600 - 1630Hans-Peter Plag: Keynote: The Need For A New Science to Guide Humanity's Transition Into The Post-Holocene (abstract, presentation: keynote, powerpoint)
1630 - 1700James Syvitski: Keynote: Use of Surface-Dynamic Models for Identifying Environmental Indicators and Processes (abstract)
1700 - 1725All: Discussion
1725 - 1730Session Chairs: Mission for the breakout sessions
1900 - 2100:Workshop Dinner (no host)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

0900 - 1030:Joint Breakout Sessions: Creating the practice-relevant knowledge to cope with global change
See the breakout session questions for this block ...
 Joint Breakout Session 1: Intelligent use of data quantity vs focusing on data quality
Chair: Stefano Nativi; Rapporteur: Bart de Lathouwer
0900 - 0905Stefano Nativi: Introduction to the breakout session
0905 - 0920Andreas Matheus: The COB-WEB Project
0920 - 0935Bart De Lathouwer: Use of WPS (and other web services) for Earth Observation (abstract, presentation)
0935 - 0950Jonas Eberle, Christian Hüttich, Christiane Schmullius: Automatization of information extraction to build up a crowd-sourced reference database for vegetation changes (abstract, presentation)
0950 - 1005Palma Blonda, C. Marangi, A. Adamo, C. Tarantino, F. Lovergine: Integration of EO and in-situ data through expert knowledge for habitats and ecosystems monitoring (abstract, presentation)
1005 - 1020Dave Jones: The Challenge of accessing and Sharing “Big Data” in Real-Time — Connecting GEO Nations Now (abstract)
1020 - 1030Stefano Nativi, Bart de Lathouwer: Session Summary
 Joint Breakout Session 2: Shifting from disciplinary to problem and solution focused science
Chair: Kathy Fontaine; Rapporteur: Andiswa Mlisa
0900 - 0915Kathy Fontaine: Introductions to the breakout session (presentation)
0915 - 1020All: Discussion
1015 - 1030Kathy Fontaine, Andiswa Mlisa: Session Summary
1030 - 1100:Coffee Break
1100 - 1230:Joint Plenary Session B: Linking Societal Goals, Science, Metrics, and Observing System
Co-Chairs: Stefano Nativi, Hans-Peter Plag
1100 - 1115Bart de Lathouwer: Report from joint breakout session 1
1115 - 1130Andiswa Mlisa: Report from joint breakout session 2 (presentation)
1130 - 1200Bruce Wielicki: Keynote: Climate Change Accuracy: Observing Requirements and Economic Value (presentation)
1200 - 1230All: Discussion